June 28, 2014

Singapore Sports Hub - The Old Dame transformed into a Curvey Lady (1km)

Singapore Sports Hub and the Singapore Indoor stadium
I have many memories of the old Kallang National Stadium and attending the National Day Parade, belting out classical Singapore National Day Songs like "Stand Up for Singapore", "We are Singapore", "One People, One Nation, One Singapore" and my personal favorite, "Count on me Singapore".

June 23, 2014

June 21, 2014

The Merlion Run - Beer and World Cup are Bad for Running! (3.6KM)

Fang Tai," Hey Guys, let's try Sentosa for our run this week. I have a family day later at Sentosa, so that will be perfect."

Big Bone Guy (BBG), "Sure. Let us start from Vivo city, run to Sentosa via the boardwalk. We haven't tried exploring the North side of Sentosa yet!"

PES E," There is no World Cup match tonight?"

BBG, "There's the Italy game but I am not too interested. Anyway I am on my third pint of beer now. Tomorrow confirm die."

June 15, 2014

SG Unfit Runners Featured.... on a Singapore Most Haunted Article....

I was fooling around on Google, trying to see what are some of the search results that I will get by inputting "SG Unfit Runners" To my surprised, one of my Bedok Reservoir Picture was featured by an article titled "The 5 Most Haunted Places In Singapore".

Luckily, I have not encountered any spooky incidents yet!

The 5 Most Haunted Places In Singapore
The 5 Most Haunted Places In Singapore
The 5 Most Haunted Places In Singapore

June 7, 2014

Bright Hill Monastery (光明山普觉禅寺) - A Run to the Most Important Buddhist Temple of Singapore (5KM)

When Big Bone Guy (BBG) suggested running around the housing estates of Upper Thomson and Marymount Road, I was expecting the usual boring private housing, condo and public housing (HDB) landscape that makes up the majority of the housing estate in Singapore. He sparked my curiosity when he mentioned the Bright Hill Monastery or better known as 光明山 among the Buddhists in Singapore.


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